FIA Formula 3: Hello and welcome to the Press Conference of the top three finishers from the FIA Formula 3 Feature Race here in Monaco. In third place we have Luke Browning from Hitech Pulse-Eight, in second we have Christian Mansell from ART Grand Prix, and our winner today is Gabriele Minì from PREMA Racing. Gabriele, your first win of the season and your second in Monte Carlo in F3. Just talk us through your emotions after that win?

Gabriele Minì: It’s really emotional, there are many emotions when you win Monaco, especially two years in a row. It is amazing. I think we did most of the job in Qualifying and at the first corner by holding onto first place. The race was all about managing and trying to see if I could go for the fastest lap. It was going to be too hard and risky, so I decided to save my tyres in case of a Safety Car. Every time there was a Safety Car we could pull a big gap straight away. We managed the race well. Just great emotions winning a second time in Monaco.

FIA Formula 3: We saw you go side-by-side with Christian briefly into Turn 1, was that the biggest challenge today or was it staying ahead for the longer Feature Race stint?

Minì: For sure the first part was quite tough. The turn that you are most at risk is T1. He got a really good start, I got a pretty bad one with a lot of wheel spin that was hard to control. In the end I broke quite late and managed to hold onto my position. In the first laps he was pushing quite a lot while I was trying to save. It was all about being careful and watching the mirrors in the breaking points.

FIA Formula 3: You now lead the Drivers’ Championship heading to the next round, do you feel like you’re still building up to your maximum this season?

Minì: Not really. I think we can always improve, I wouldn’t say we are at the peak yet. The pace shown, especially from the last two race events in Imola and here in Qualifying. Races are all about managing. In the Feature Race in Imola I think we had the pace to fight for the win. I think lately we are looking pretty strong and hopefully we can just keep going in that direction.

FIA Formula 3: Christian, you have your first Feature Race podium since Bahrain, how sweet does it feel to come around this place?

Christian Mansell: Very sweet. The feeling is great. Bahrain was awesome but this is one million times cooler. To get it here in Monte Carlo is up there with Melbourne, of course being a home race for me I am bias. But this is if not more meaningful to me. I was lost for words when I came out of the car. It shows you where my head is at. I was so static. Admittedly I really wanted to win today but Gabriele didn’t make a mistake. He made it hard for me, but I was pushing him all the way too. I am very happy with my performance today. It is such a stella way to end the weekends after a pretty average Sprint Race.

FIA Formula 3: We had a few Safety Car restarts in this Race, was there a moment that you thought you might have been able to get a move done?

Mansell: Yeah, off every Safety Car restart in your mind you have a chance to try something. In fairness he made two very good launches and seized the attack then and there. For me it was trying to make sure Luke wasn’t too close and on both occasions I executed nicely. I think all three of us did a good job. Definitely one to remember.

FIA Formula 3: How is the mentality heading to Barcelona now after such a positive weekend for you?

Mansell: Yeah, really good. I haven’t really dropped my head very much even though Melbourne and Imola especially hadn’t been ideal. At the end of the day, I can’t change what’s happened and we know we struggle with the medium tyre but on the soft and the hard we are very competitive. There is no reason why I can’t keep this form going into further races. The head is pretty high.

FIA Formula 3: Luke coming to you, again not many chances to overtake around this track but it was another top four finish in a Feature Race. You’re putting together quite the streak, how important is that for your season?

Luke Browning: Exactly I think overall I have the highest average fishing position in Feature Races. That is really important. It’s not easy to overtake around here, at no point did I really think it was possible. Maybe at the start you could make a place but the guys ahead did a good job. Equally I think that lap in qualifying was the best chance for the win.

FIA Formula 3: You’re second in the Championship just four points from top spot, how do you feel at this stage of the season, and do you think it will stay this close for a while longer?

Browning: I feel very positive. In the in-season test in Barcelona the pace looked strong. I think this might be an advantage to us going forward that I am quite confident with. Also, our Qualifying consistency has been right there. We have a few strong tracks coming up for us now. I will be trying to make the most of this race pace to gain maximum points.

FIA Formula 3: Has there been any major differences between your rookie season and this one or is the added level of experience the biggest factor for you?

Browning: It is just the execution. I think that pace was always there last year. In Melbourne we were going ballistic, Bahrain in Free Practice we were top 3. It shows that is it just the experience of executing on race weekend. Look at Group 2 for example in Qualifying this Championship is so tough and you don’t get the room to make mistakes. You get punished for it. Unfortunately, that is the way it is, but it also breeds the best drivers, it breeds execution. I think that is the thing that both Hitech and myself have gotten on top of.

FIA Formula 3: Congratulations to all three of you. Great stuff, thanks very much all.